St. Antony's Shrine is located in the main location near Palayamkottai Market. Palay Market Antony's Church is how our shrine is popularly known as. People irrespective of religion flock to St. Antonys Shrine to pray for his Powerful intercession before GOD. St Antony's Shrine is open for daily prayer, meditaion and quiet reflection. Visitors are welcome to attend daily or Sunday Mass or Tuesday afternoon Novena to St Antony followed by Holy Mass and Healing adoration. Come Experience the powerful intercesson of St.Antony before GOD.
The Shrine Features a Class 1 Relic of St. Antony. The Relic is visible at the base of St.Antony's statue placed at the left side of the main alter.
The creative architecture and cultural edifies of this new holy church attracts the people of the region in thousands.
During initial days when the church was built, Since, the military personnel had been buried in the church premises.